Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thanks to Gary Meyers, he identified the Gingersnaps from last weeks blog. They are Maryann Wimmer, Judith Meyer, Jeanne Oehler, and Mary Gottsacher. Confirmation was made that they also recorded on Jupiter. Gary has a website with a book called "On That Wisconsin Beat", an amazing history of music and groups in Wisconsin. Without doubt, he is quite an authority, as he told me there were over 700 interviews that he conducted to make the book possible. Certainly a real labor of love.
Added to my website this week was another of those first and second pressings that I can't 100 per cent be certain of. Though I have two sources that do confirm it, I prefer not to rely on them completely. The record is by Lafayette and the LaSabres called "Cure For Love". It features Lafayette Yarbrough who had at least one other release on the Bart label. I'm sure you have seen "Cure For Love" on the Port label, both stock and promotional. I have it shown on the Your-Pick label as the first issue. I have no definitive information on Your-Pick, except it is number 1005. That could indicate previous issues of some type on the label. Based on this one example, it is not a reissue label. It could be fooling me. I think of the Casinos on Buccaneer which I thought was a first press but was later shown it was a reissue. Anyway, at this point I believe it is an original first issue for the record.
I always have enjoyed listening to the Pearls. I was somewhat unaware of the group until I bought the Relic LP in the 1980's that featured the groups on the Onyx label. I actually enjoy most of the records on the label, but especially the Pearls. I may never collect all their records, but I added their rendition of Hank Williams classic of "Your Cheating Heart" to my collection. Not a bad version at all, unless you can't get past Hank's version or the group treatment to it. What I really need by the pearls is "Ice Cream Baby" That one is next!
Added to my website this week was another of those first and second pressings that I can't 100 per cent be certain of. Though I have two sources that do confirm it, I prefer not to rely on them completely. The record is by Lafayette and the LaSabres called "Cure For Love". It features Lafayette Yarbrough who had at least one other release on the Bart label. I'm sure you have seen "Cure For Love" on the Port label, both stock and promotional. I have it shown on the Your-Pick label as the first issue. I have no definitive information on Your-Pick, except it is number 1005. That could indicate previous issues of some type on the label. Based on this one example, it is not a reissue label. It could be fooling me. I think of the Casinos on Buccaneer which I thought was a first press but was later shown it was a reissue. Anyway, at this point I believe it is an original first issue for the record.
I always have enjoyed listening to the Pearls. I was somewhat unaware of the group until I bought the Relic LP in the 1980's that featured the groups on the Onyx label. I actually enjoy most of the records on the label, but especially the Pearls. I may never collect all their records, but I added their rendition of Hank Williams classic of "Your Cheating Heart" to my collection. Not a bad version at all, unless you can't get past Hank's version or the group treatment to it. What I really need by the pearls is "Ice Cream Baby" That one is next!